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Love on the Forbidden Side Page 8

  “Who was on the phone?”

  “Your brother.” His brows dipped as he answered.

  Jake? Why would a conversation with him upset Liam? They were best friends. Unless…

  “Is everything okay?” A million horrible scenarios entered her mind. She clutched at her stomach, gut twisting with worry. They were in Vegas, Sin City, the place built by mobsters and run by crooks. She knew her brother could handle himself, but ever since her encounter with David, she’d been a little paranoid.

  “Everything is fine. He was just checking in.”

  Then why did Liam have that expression on his face when she came in? Why did the man seem tense and on edge?

  “Well, that’s good.” She crossed to the cabinet, grabbing a glass and filling it at the sink. Riding took a lot of energy and strength. It wasn’t sitting on top of a horse and letting the animal do all the work like a lot of people thought. Drinking deeply, she quenched her thirst before speaking again. “I would cross my fingers they win a jackpot, but I know my brother doesn’t gamble, and I can’t imagine Kayla does either.”

  Liam snorted. “Makes you wonder why they chose to go to Vegas.”

  “Easiest place to elope I guess.” She shrugged, downing the rest of her water.

  Her brother had sounded so excited to get married in the message he left her. It warmed her heart to hear Jake so happy, but way deep down—in a place she would never admit—a pang of envy festered. She didn’t begrudge him his happiness, but seeing the joy on his face when Jake looked at Kayla made Julie wish for someone in her life to inspire such…desire.

  Self-consciously, she let her gaze slide to Liam. Speaking of desire.

  “He asked about you.”

  She tried to pull her mind out of the gutter to focus on what he just said. “What?”

  “Ryder. I told him you were here, and he asked how you were.”

  So like her brother, always thinking of her even when he should be focusing on himself for once.

  Liam’s hands went to his hips, chin lifting in what she called his FBI man pose. “I told him I’d look after you.”

  A frown tugged at her lips. That really burned her butt. It was one thing for her big brother to worry about her, looking after her kinda came in the job description. Liam, on the other hand, was not her brother in any way, and it was about time the guy realized that fact.

  “You and my brother seem to suffer under the same delusion.”

  “And what would that be?”

  Slowly, calculating, she took a step toward him. “You both still see me as a young girl who can’t take care of herself, but I assure you, Liam, I am a fully grown woman wholly capable of looking after myself.” Hurt and annoyance fueling her bravado, she stepped closer until she could feel his body heat, smell the clean musk of his natural scent. Using one finger, she poked him in his ridiculously hard chest. “If you could get that concept through that thick skull of yours it would be great.”

  One large hand grasped her finger. He held it in his rough palm, his thumb softly stroking across her knuckles. Shivers of awareness ran up and down her spine. The temperature in the room rose ten degrees. Eyes the color of the sun stared at her. It seriously boggled her mind how they were so light brown they looked like tiny golden coins. He had the most amazing eyes she had ever seen.

  “I am very much aware of you as a woman, Julie.”

  She sucked in a sharp breath when he inched closer, their bodies brushing against each other, only a few layers of flimsy cotton between them. Her pulse pounded in her ears, drowning out every other noise, but the sound of his voice.

  “I’m also your brother’s best friend, and there are some unspoken rules that go along with that.”

  “Rules?” What on earth was he talking about? How could he even be talking when they were standing so close, touching so intimately? Did he not feel this connection? Maybe it was just her.

  Now, there’s a pathetically depressing thought.

  “I can’t…” He trailed off, his brow furrowing as if searching for the right words. “It’s my job to look out for you when Ryder’s not around.” Shaking his head, he dropped her hand and took a step back.

  She immediately ached at the loss of contact. Trying not to let the disappointment show on her face, she raised one eyebrow. “Oh really? Did you guys spit-shake on it or something?”

  “We’re not twelve.” His gaze rolled to the ceiling as if she were a child and he was praying for patience. “But I’m pretty sure it’s in the bro code somewhere. You know, look after your buddy’s baby sister and what not.”

  “First of all”—she held up a hand, ticking off on her fingers—“it’s the twenty-first century, so knock off that bro code sexist bullshit. Second, did I not just finish telling you I am not a baby, but, in fact, a grown woman? I believe you even agreed with me. And third, come with me.”

  She turned abruptly, heading out the kitchen door. The sound of Liam scrambling to keep up with her soothed her wounded pride, slightly.

  “Wait, where are we going?”

  Pushing open the front door and hopping down the porch steps, she tossed him a sly grin over her shoulder. She had a good mad going thanks to him. What better way to get revenge than to make the man squirm? Mature? Not really, but he was the one accusing her of being a child. “You lost a bet. Remember?”

  His handsome face paled. “No. No way.”

  Waving away his concern, she continued walking toward Wind Chaser’s pen. “A deal is a deal, Liam.”

  “You don’t really expect me to ride that beast do you?”

  The horse whinnied, trotting over to the gate where Julie now stood. She whispered soothing words to the animal, stroking the long nose through the wooden fencepost.

  “Yes, I do. You can’t welch on a bet, city boy. Now, get your ass over here.”

  She heard some grumbling behind her, but chose not to turn around. A grumpy Liam was a sight she had seen many a time. No reason to repeat the visual.

  “You sure are feeling bossy today.”

  His low vibrato wrapped around her like silk. Gah, even the man’s voice is sexy.

  “I think you’re just too chicken to ride.” She risked a glance over her shoulder. Liam’s unhappy scowl was firmly in place, just as she suspected. “Afraid of the big, scary horse?”

  “Keep talking, Jules. Next time there’s a grasshopper in the house, you’re on your own.”

  A shudder of revultion ran down her spine. “Not fair!”

  “You’re seriously going to stand there and argue a tiny little insect is scarier than a one ton animal that can trample you to death?”

  She whirled around, smacking him lightly on his good shoulder. “Horses are beautiful, majestic creatures. They only trample people if they’re scared and you’re in their way. Grasshoppers are freaky looking winged aliens that jump on your face in the middle of the night.”

  Happened to her about eight years ago at Christmas. Laying in her bed, fast asleep, she was suddenly woken by the screeching whir of a freakish bug the size of her fist. Okay, maybe it hadn’t been that big, but it sure seemed huge at the time. So she may have screamed bloody murder, waking the whole house—excuse her for freaking out a little.

  Unfortunately, Liam happened to be staying with them at the time for holiday break. He’d rushed into her room, gun drawn, ready to slay the big bad intruder. When he discovered a tiny insect had made her scream for her life, he and her brother doubled over with laughter. She, on the other hand, almost died of embarrassment. In true, heroically amazing Liam form, he captured the grasshopper and set it outside, but he never let her live her odd revulsion down.

  “Fine. Let’s get this over with.”

  “Your enthusiasm is overwhelming.”

  He held up a hand. “Hey, I said I’d ride the horse, there was no mention of me being excited about it.”

  She shook her head with a sigh and opened the gate. Wind Chaser backed up, the horse recognizing she would
soon be let out of her paddock.

  “Hey there, girl,” she spoke softly to the animal, stroking her neck in a calming manner. “You ready for a ride? Hmmm?” Placing her foot in the stirrup, she hoisted herself up and into the saddle.

  “I thought I was supposed to ride it.”

  A quick glance down revealed Liam standing a healthy distance away, staring suspiciously at Wind Chaser.

  “Her, and yes, you are.” Scooting forward, she patted the space behind her.

  One thick, light brow rose. “You want me to ride bitch?”

  A frustrated growl escaped her. “She’s not a motorcycle, she’s a horse, and you’re inexperienced.”

  “I know.” He thrust a hand out, waving it around the pen. “I thought you were just going to lead me around in here, like one of those rides at the fair.”

  “She isn’t a pony ride, Liam. When I said ride Wind Chaser, I meant ride Wind Chaser. Unless you’d like to try your luck riding alone?”

  The man grumbled something she couldn’t make out, but she doubted it was very complementary. Smothering a grin, she moved her feet and instructed him how to place his foot in the stirrup and hold the saddle to pull himself up. He managed to swing his leg over and set himself without displacing her.

  “Now what?”

  Oh my, he did sound unhappy. She tried not to revel in his discomfort, but it was hard. Grumpy Liam was just so much fun to tease.

  “Put your arms around my waist and hold on tight.”

  “I get the feeling I’m being tricked somehow.”

  Okay, so this all might have been part of her “get Liam to see me as a sexual being” plan, but it was also a safety measure.

  “Would your brother approve of two people riding his horse?”

  Glancing over her shoulder, she gave him a wink. “What my brother doesn’t know won’t hurt him. Besides, I’ve seen Jake and Kayla ride double saddle before. Now, hold on tight and get ready for the ride.”

  With his strong arms wrapped around her and his warm breath caressing the nape of her neck, Julie started to rethink her plan. Yes, she needed to tempt Liam into agreeing to take their relationship to the next level, but she’d never considered how being in such close proximity would affect her. She wiggled in the saddle, trying to assuage the growing ache low in her belly. A smothered groan rumbled in her ear.

  A smile tugged at her lips as she gently nudged Wind Chaser, the horse starting off with a slow gait.

  This was going to be fun.

  Chapter 13

  Why the hell do people enjoy riding these things?

  Liam’s ass radiated pain, his legs fell asleep ten minutes into the ride, and he had a hard on from hell due to the motion while being pressed against Julie’s sweet backside. He’d been involved in hostage negotiations less torturous than this seemingly pleasant horseback ride. Why did he let himself get roped into this again?

  Because I’m a jackass who would do anything to make this woman smile.

  Admittedly, the only pleasant part of this torment—disguised as recreational fun—was the smile on Julie’s face. Every time she glanced over her shoulder he glimpsed the pure joy shining from every inch of her expression. For that alone, he would suffer this. The woman had been through enough misery to last a lifetime. If he could, he would make sure she never had a moment of sadness or terror ever again.

  Wishful thinking. Life didn’t work that way.

  No one knew that better than him.

  His shoulder gave a dull ache as his mind replayed the shooting. A second, one moment in time, and his life changed forever.

  He didn’t blame the shooter. Who the hell would blame a scared ten-year-old kid? No, sometimes in life, you just got the shit end of the stick. Fate could be such a bitch when she wanted to be.

  “How long are we taking this pleasure ride?”

  “Poor Liam.” Her eyes lit with humor as she turned her head toward him. “Not enjoying the ride?”

  No, and yes. Between the aches and pain of the ride and the sweet smell and feel of Julie pressed against him, his body wanted to get off—in both meanings of the term.

  “Just want to get back before dark.”

  They had hours before the sun would go down, but it seemed like as good an excuse as any other. He couldn’t very well tell her the real reasons he wanted off this damn horse. One she would tease him about mercilessly, the other…she’d probably slap him.

  One delicate hand left the reins to pat his leg. “Poor city slicker. She may not have headlights, but Wind Chaser can move about in the dark, ya know.” The pat turned into a soft caress before her hand left his leg.

  Okay. Maybe she wouldn’t slap him for his salacious thoughts. Based on some of her actions lately, she might be gung-ho with the notion of moving their friendship into a more physical relationship. Or maybe that was just his hopeful brain misinterpreting natural friendliness for desire. Plus, there was always the very real problem of Julie being his best friend’s sister and almost a decade his junior. Made him feel like a pervy old man.

  “I wasn’t concerned with the lack of headlights on the horse.” Not much anyway. “I simply want to get back in time for dinner. I left some steaks thawing in the fridge.”

  She whipped around in the saddle so fast he feared she might slip off. The abrupt motion caused him to sway a bit and he tightened his arms around her to steady himself. Dark brown eyes blazed with hungry anticipation.

  “Oh please, please, please tell me you put your mother’s famous jerk rub on them.”

  He couldn’t hide the smile curling his lips. “I did.”

  “If I wouldn’t fall and break my neck trying, I’d kiss you right now.”

  And with that tempting image, the small space he had left in his pants got even smaller. Shifting back as far as he could, he tried to hide his arousal as Julie faced forward again, unaware of the havoc she wreaked on him.

  “I L-O-V-E love your mother’s jerk rub.”

  “Most people do.”

  “Seriously, Liam, I think I’d kill someone for it.”

  A chuckle escaped. “I highly doubt Miss Law and Order ADA would kill someone over a spice recipe.”

  “Okay, fine. I wouldn’t kill anyone.” Turning her head slightly, she gave him a cheeky wink. “I’d just seriously maim.”

  Laughter rumbled out of him. Julie always had that effect. The woman could make him laugh even on his darkest days. She truly was something special.

  “I’d love to get the recipe from her.”

  “Good luck,” he snorted. Wind Chaser shook her head, making a sound eerily similar to the one that just came out of him. Horses are weird. “She didn’t give me the recipe until I was twenty-five, and then only under threat of death if I ever gave it away to anyone.”

  “Old family secret, huh?”

  “So she says.”

  A sigh escaped her lips, and her body relaxed, leaning slightly against his. “My mom was never much of a cook, but she did teach me how to make some pretty good oatmeal cookies.”

  Silence fell over them for a moment. The only sound, the soft clip clop of Wind Chaser’s hooves hitting the hard packed, dirt trail.

  “I miss her.”

  The softly spoken words cut like a knife to the heart. Sometimes he forgot Julie and Ryder had lost both parents. Irrational guilt hit him square in the chest for having two, healthy, happy parents he could call or see anytime he wanted. Without thought, he tightened his arm around Julie’s waist, pulling her against his body, offering her what little comfort he could.

  “She was a wonderful woman. I miss her, too.”

  He’d only met Mrs. Ryder a few times over the years, but he remembered her as a warm, kind woman—if a little anxious at times—who always welcomed him like he was her own. Yet another reason for him to back off this attraction he had for Julie. He doubted her deceased mother would have approved of his carnal thoughts about her baby daughter.

  “She always did like you.” Julie
laid her head back against his shoulder. “Said you were a good influence on Jake, kept him out of trouble.”

  What a hilarious notion. As if Jake Ryder would ever do anything bad. The man practically had Boy Scout tattooed on his forehead. The thought made him laugh even more because Jake would never get something as edgy as a tattoo.

  “I’m not sure my mother would agree with your mother’s assessment of my character.”

  “Your mother had to deal with four boys.” A small shudder shook her shoulders. “That woman probably has nerves of steel.”

  A roar of laughter rumbled out of him. “She does like to comment on all the gray hairs we gave her.”

  “Amazing cook and survived raising a brood of boys? She sounds like a superhero.”

  “She is.” He smiled, thinking of all the love and lessons his mother gave him over the years. “She’d love you, too.” The comment slipped out without thought.

  Her head tilted up, angling so she could gaze into his eyes. “I’d love to meet her someday.”

  Words stuck in his throat. He didn’t know what to say. Of course his mother would love her, who wouldn’t love Julie? But introductions with the parents were something you did with a fiancée or long time partner. The only way for Julie to meet his folks would be if they were seriously dating, something he desperately wanted, but could not allow himself to think about. So why the hell was he even entertaining the idea?

  Thunder rumbled in the distance, bringing him back to the moment at hand.

  “Uh oh,” Julie sat up, grip tightening on the reins. “We better get home before that storm gets any closer. We don’t want Wind Chaser to get spooked and buck us.”


  She ignored his concerned question. “Hold on tight.”

  He barely had time to tighten his grip on her waist before she muttered some strange word to the horse and tapped her heels to its side. The damn beast took off at a pace much too fast for his comfort level. Arms locked around her, he held on, clenching his sore thighs tight to the big animal that held his life on her back.