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Love on the Forbidden Side Page 4
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“Gotcha!” If he couldn’t find Julie Ryder he could always pay a visit to brother dearest. People always came running when their loved ones were threatened. Precisely why he didn’t have any. Caring about people made you weak.
Tucking the picture in his jacket, he left, making his way back outside. Pam stood, waiting dutifully, right where he’d left her.
“Did you do it?” A nervous hitch sounded in her words, but her eyes brightened.
The woman might be a doormat, but she had darkness inside her. Just like him. Like drew like.
“She wasn’t there.”
Fear and shame passed over her plain features. “I’m sorry, Jason. I thought she’d be there. I—”
“Doesn’t matter,” he cut her off. “Get the car. We need to get back to the hotel. I’ve got some calls to make.”
She took off around the corner where they parked, out of sight in case any cops were stationed at the lawyer’s place. There hadn’t been. No need for police protection when the bitch wasn’t even home.
Anger burned, hot in his chest. Not at work and not at home. So, where are you? Hiding with the feds?
His fingers brushed the picture inside his jacket. If she was hiding, he knew what it would take to draw her out. A rush of something dark and deadly rose inside him. If he couldn’t find Julie, then he’d find someone she cared about. Threatening a loved one always worked to bring someone out of hiding.
“I’ll find you,” he vowed into the inky blackness of the night. “And when I do, you’re going to pay for trying to put me away.”
Chapter 6
The hot afternoon sun beat down on Liam the next day, but something else caused the damp sweat on his brow, or rather someone. He stood, arms leaning on the paddock fencing, watching the cause of his overheated body bounce up and down on a thousand pound animal. The bobbing motion sent his thoughts to places, naughty places they had no right to be.
“Isn’t she the most beautiful thing in the world?” Julie asked as she steered Wind Chaser closer to where he watched.
“Beautiful,” he agreed. She didn’t need to know he wasn’t talking about the horse. Sure, the animal was majestic and all that crap, but to him, one horse looked just like any other. The rider, however, she was something special.
Bright laughter flew from her lips, lighting up her entire being.
Definitely the most beautiful thing in the world.
“I’ll turn you into a cowboy yet.”
He doubted it, but he didn’t mind watching Julie get her cowgirl on. Watching her ride was sexy as hell, not only because it brought to mind other things the woman could ride, but also the pure joy on her face as she sat in the saddle, holding tight to the reins as the horse galloped was the most amazing sight he had ever seen.
“Whoa, easy girl.” She pulled on the reins, stopping the horse just on the other side of the fence.
The beast was so close now he could feel its hot breath on his face.
“You dodge bullets for a living, Liam. Don’t tell me you’re scared of a little horse?”
Didn’t dodge fast enough. Rolling his shoulders, he grimaced as a shot of pain streaked through his right arm.
“One, that thing is in no way little, and two, I’m not afraid. I’m exercising caution around an unknown element.” Something he should have done a month ago in that sorry ramshackle excuse for a house.
Dark brown eyes rolled to the sky, but a smile tugged at her lips. “Right, I forgot the big, bad FBI agent doesn’t get scared.”
Not true. When he found out she was in the hospital after being attacked by a killer, he’d lost his shit. Fear, unlike anything he had ever known, short-circuited his brain. For a full ten minutes, he’d stood in his apartment frozen in place, unable to form a thought. He could still remember the one thing that had then raced through his mind, I lost her. She’s gone. Julie’s gone, and I never got to tell her how I feel. When he finally got his act together, he’d rushed from the city straight to her hospital bedside. By the time he got there, Julie had been stitched up and cleared to go home. Ryder had been hovering over his little sister like a mother hen, so there’d been no opportunity for him to reveal his feelings to her. He’d stayed with the Ryder family for a week, making sure she truly was all right. Each day vowing to tell her how he felt, and each day chickening out. Then he’d gone back home. Keeping his feeling inside.
I still haven’t told her.
And he never would. Julie was fine. He didn’t need to make some grand declaration or reveal his feelings for her. Nothing good would come of it. The woman was smart, beautiful, and way too good for him. What the hell could he offer her? He was a hard sonofabitch who played by the rulebook down to the letter. Julie made her own rules in games and in life. They were like oil and water, her optimistic vitality to his staid pessimism. Plus, there was the whole little sister of his best friend taboo. Ryder was a great guy. What kind of asshole would it make Liam if he made a move on his buddy’s sister?
A colossal one.
Even if they did start up any kind of relationship, they lived hours apart, so anything long-term was out of the question. If they indulged in a little vacation fling and went their separate ways, he could only imagine how awkward their next meeting would be, in front of Ryder, who would kick his ass if he ever found out.
“I thought I’d head into town after I brush down Wind Chaser.” She patted the horse affectionately on the neck. “Wanna come? We could grab that dinner. Maybe catch a movie at the drive-in.”
That sounded speciously like a date. Number one on the “things not to do with Julie Ryder” list. His mind brought up an image of her riding again, bouncing up and down—okay, maybe not number one, but it was on there.
Her smile dimmed at his hesitation. “I mean, unless you have other things to do. I’m sorry. I kind of just showed up and usurped your vacation time. You probably had a whole list of things you were planning on doing.”
Yeah, if that list included wallowing in self-pity and trying to figure out his life now that he might not be a field agent. Sure, big fat freaking list.
“No. You didn’t ruin anything. I really just planned on taking it easy.”
The beautiful smile returned, and damned if he wasn’t glad to see it.
“Great! No better way to relax than dinner and a show. Ooooh, and we can stop at the shop for cupcakes.” She winked. “I’m on the ‘free cupcakes for life’ list.”
It still felt like a date, but he was sure she didn’t mean it that way. She might flirt with him jokingly, but that was just her personality. Julie was friendly with everyone. He knew she kind of had a crush on him when they first met, but that was years ago. Now, he was sure she just liked to mess with him. Like cheating at cards and calling it “house rules.” Silly things like that. It was part of the dynamic of their friendship.
“Sounds good. Who can turn down free cupcakes?” Friends went to dinner and movies together all the time. No big deal. That’s all this was—no matter how much the raging hard-on in his pants wished otherwise.
“Just let me brush down Wind Chaser and change.” She tapped her heels against the horse. “I’ll be ready in about an hour.”
Liam watched the large animal lumber toward the barn. Dinner, movie, and dessert with a woman who tempted him like no other. The very same woman who was so off limits it wasn’t even funny.
“What the hell did I get myself into?”
It was going to be a very, very long night.
Julie ran the brush along Wind Chaser’s back, muttering soothing words to the beautiful animal. She loved horses. Always had. Growing up in a horse town, it had been hard not to love the big, majestic creatures. They never had them growing up, though; horses cost too much money. It had been hard enough for their mother to raise two kids by herself. An animal would have been out of the question. When Ryder purchased Wind Chaser a month after he got elected sheriff, Julie had been over the moon. Living in a tiny apa
rtment in Aspen left no room for a horse, so she had been thrilled when her brother called to inform her of his new pet and offer her the opportunity to ride whenever she pleased.
She pleased often.
Any chance she got to come see her brother was also an excuse to ride the beloved horse. Some days, she wondered if Ryder really got the animal for himself or for her.
“It would be just like my wonderful big brother to do that, huh?” She nuzzled the mare, breathing in the peaceful scent of animal and earth. “He’s always doing things for others, making it out like they’re doing him a favor.”
Like with Liam. She bet her Harley—the one her brother didn’t know she had or he’d kill her—that Jake made it out like Liam was doing him a solid by staying here when, most likely, he knew his friend needed a place to unwind.
Throughout the day, she’s witnessed Liam favoring his left arm. The man was right handed. It didn’t take a genius to figure out something was wrong. His shooting arm—what happened? She had a sneaking suspicion he wasn’t here on a “relaxing” vacation.
“Ha! Who am I to talk? Lord knows I’m not on vacation either.” Hiding out from the potential of a killer coming after her did not scream rest and relaxation. “I guess we’re both keeping secrets, huh, girl?”
Big brown eyes stared straight at her, but the animal said nothing. Another great thing about horses, they didn’t judge. So, she and Liam were both lying about the real reason they were there. Fine by her. She didn’t need to know. Staying under the same roof for the next two weeks, she could think of a lot of better ways to fill the time.
Now, if only Liam would get on board everything would be great.
The man wanted her. She saw it in the way he gazed at her when he thought she wasn’t looking. At least…she thought he wanted her. This thing better not be one sided or she would be more embarrassed than her freshman year of high school when she tripped in the school play and flashed her underwear to the entire audience, including the brand new principal.
She’d have to play it cool tonight. Feel it out and see if Liam was really as into her as she was him. Too bad being cool had never been her thing. A geek through and through, she’d skipped her junior prom to study for the SATs. There was a reason she held the record for youngest Assistant District Attorney in the state of Colorado.
Finished with the brush down, she kissed Wind Chaser on the nose. “Thanks for the ride girl. I’ll bring you some apples tomorrow.”
The horse made a snuffling sound, bits of saliva and snot hitting Julie in the face. She didn’t mind. After riding most of the afternoon, she dripped with sweat and smelled like BO.
What’s a few more bodily fluids?
Hurrying to the house, she headed straight to the bathroom. Liam was nowhere to be seen. Ryder’s room had a private bath. He was probably getting ready in there. Good. She needed a little private primping time, because tonight was it. Time to be perfectly clear on what she wanted from him. If he felt the same then they would have an awesome couple of weeks together. Maybe it would even be the start of something amazing.
If he rejected her…well, she’d rather not think about that.
The shower took longer than she intended. Admittedly, she primped. Taking time to shave all the important bits, just in case. Blow-drying her long hair took forever, so she gave it a quick run over with the hairdryer then braided the damp strands into a crown updo. Makeup never took long because she kept it minimal, but tonight, she eschewed her standard natural look for a subtle smoky eye and wine-red lips.
Now, she stood at her closet in despair. She had no plans to go out when she made the decision to come to Peak Town. All she’d been thinking of was getting away for a while, just until they could determine if Jason was coming after anyone—or he was caught, which would be the better outcome in her opinion. Her wardrobe consisted of mainly jeans and T-shirts. How was she supposed to seduce Liam in ratty jeans and a plain-Jane shirt?
Rummaging in the back of the closet, she prayed she left something sexy from her many visits back home. If not sexy, at least something that didn’t scream, I have no life outside my job. Even if it was the truth.
“Ah ha!” she squealed with glee, grabbing the pale lavender dress hanging in the very back. “Thank you, Maggie and Lizzy.”
The dress she’d worn to the women’s dual wedding would be perfect. The light color would contrast her darker makeup, and the cap sleeves and sweetheart neckline would give her a fun, but sexy appearance. The short skirt wouldn’t hurt either.
“I am so glad I left you here.”
Shimmying into the frock, she checked her makeup and hair one last time then twirled in front of her mirror. “Eat your heart out, Liam Graham.”
This was going to be the best night ever.
Chapter 7
This was going to be the worst night ever.
When Julie entered the living room in a dangerously sexy dress, Liam nearly lost it. A dress like that shouldn’t be legal. It hugged her in all the right places, showcasing all her assets without being obscene. Classy and sexy all at the same time.
And her hair, she’d done it up in some sort of intricate braid around her head. With tiny, wispy strands escaping to fall around her face, she looked like a damned angel, halo and all. Her makeup was different, too. Darker, sultry, not her everyday style.
The woman was trying to kill him.
By the devilish little grin on her face, she knew it, too. He had no idea how he would make it through the night without touching her.
“Do you like my dress?” she asked once they were in the truck headed toward town, smoothing the skirt down over her legs as she shifted in her seat.
Shifting uncomfortably in his seat—hard to be comfortable when he had the equivalent of a steel rod between his legs—he shrugged. “It’s nice.”
“Why, Liam, you sure know how to flatter a girl. You must have the ladies eating out of your hand.”
The dry tone of voice didn’t go unnoticed. Great. He’d upset her again. By trying not to act on his desires like a creep, he’d ended up being an asshole. No way to win in this situation.
“It’s a great dress. You look beautiful.”
Out of the corner of his eye, he saw her mulish expression melt into a bright smile, lighting up her entire face. Damn, she was so beautiful he ached.
“Thank you. I know Peak Town isn’t anything near as fancy as Denver, but it’s fun to get dressed up every now and then. I’m just happy I left this in the closet. Always nice to reuse a wedding dress.”
He nearly swallowed his own tongue. She’d been married? When? To whom? What the hell happened?
“Wedding?” He could barely get the question out between his clenched teeth. Stupid, he had no claim on her—so, why was there a little green monster pounding around in his chest?
“Yeah, I wore it to the Denning wedding this past spring.”
Shit, that’s right. Colton and Dade had been talking about the wedding earlier. He also remembered Ryder mention something about it some time ago. Crazy event, his friend said. The whole town showed up like a damn royal wedding or something.
Of course Julie had been talking about wearing the dress to a wedding. Not her wedding. He was really losing it. The freaking dress was purple for crying out loud, not white. This obsession of his needed to be nipped in the bud right the hell now.
“Where do you want to eat?” There. He sounded like a civilized human being again. Not a jealous lunatic.
She chuckled softly. “Not many choices in Peak Town, I’m afraid. There’s one Italian restaurant, a Mexican place, and a diner. What are you in the mood for?”
“I’m not picky. Who has the best food?”
“That’d be Merle’s Diner at the end of Main Street. Good choice, too. I might be a tad overdressed, though.” She chuckled. “But I rarely get a chance to be fancy these days, and Merle is such a great cook no one cares what anyone is wearing. It’s just a
few blocks from the cupcake shop. We can stop in there for dessert before the movie. Maggie makes the best cupcakes in the world.”
He doubted it. Once on an assignment in London, he’d eaten at this tiny corner bakery. The owner had been there for decades. After one bite of the vanilla lemon twist cupcake he thought he’d died and gone to heaven. How could a dinky, little, mountain town shop compare?
“You don’t believe me?”
She must have seen the skepticism on his face. “I’m sure they’re delicious—”
“They’re drop-dead-sell-your-soul delectable.”
Stopping at a red light, he glanced over and raised a brow.
“Fine, doubt me, but I’ll prove you wrong. Wanna bet on it?”
He couldn’t stop the laughter that escaped. “Have to win at everything, don’t you?”
She leaned in closer. The sweet scent of flowers rose off her, enveloping him in a cloud of barely restrained lust. His palms dampened on the steering wheel. He gripped it tighter so he wouldn’t do something stupid like pull her into his arms and kiss the living daylights out of her.
Keep it together, man.
“I always play to win, Liam.” Dark brown eyes surrounded by smoky makeup—making them impossibly darker—stared directly into his. “So, is it a bet?”
He shouldn’t play her game. Hell, he didn’t even know what game she was playing. Was Julie just toying with him because she was bored, or did she really want him as badly as he wanted her?
No way in hell she could desire him that much. Because he wanted her more than he wanted his next breath.
“What are the stakes?” Never agree to a wager until the risks were known. That was just good strategy.
An impish grin curled her wine-red lips. “If I win, you have to ride Wind Chaser.”